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Devon Emergency Planning Partnership

Preparation and planning

Preparing for flooding

Recent polling suggests nearly 60% of households at risk from flooding do not believe their homes could flood. But just because flooding hasn’t happened to you in the past, it doesn’t mean it won’t happen in the future.

Flooding can sometimes happen with little or no warning, but there are steps you can take now to be prepared and to help reduce the damage and disruption it can have on your home, travel and work.

Preparing for flooding, and knowing what to do in a flood can significantly reduce the damages to a home and possessions (by around 40%), reduce risk to life, and reduce the likelihood of suffering from mental health impacts in the future.

Check your long-term flood risk from rivers, the sea, surface water, reservoirs and groundwater (where data is available). If you live in an area at risk of flooding you can sign up for flood warnings by phone, text or email from the Environment Agency.

Use the tips below to get your household flood-ready:

  • Prepare a flood plan and a family emergency flood kit with essential items so that everyone in your household is equipped if flooding happens.
  • Find out how to turn off your gas, electricity and water supplies.
  • Keep an easily accessible list of useful contact numbers including your insurance company and utility providers.
  • Consider investing in flood protection products, such as air brick covers and door barriers, for your property and ensure your insurance provides adequate cover for flood damage.
  • Join or start a local community flood group. Working together to prepare your community for the impacts of flooding will help everyone to cope better.
